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Investment Services

Good investment planning can turn your goals from dreams into realities. This planning involves more than trying to pick the “right” investments. How you allocate your money among different types of investments can have a greater effect on investment success than the individual investments you choose. Your asset allocation will depend on your investment time frame, your savings goal, and how much risk you are willing to take to achieve that goal. Through gaining an accurate assessment of a client’s risk profile, our financial specialist can develop a tailored investment plan that better reflects the client’s perception of the acceptable trade-off between risk and the compensation required for bearing risk.

Investment Risk Diversification and Risk/Return Ratio

After deciding on an asset allocation, the next step is to diversify your money within the different investment classes. By putting your money in numerous different investments, you “spread the risk.” You can choose stock, bond, mutual funds and property etc., this offer several key benefits, such as professional asset allocation, broad diversification, cost effectiveness, as well as a spectrum of investment alternatives to suit different risk/return requirements.

When choosing investments, potential return is a key consideration. We are free to choose the investment portfolio as we wish to achieve the risk-reward profile that suits you. Through our investment expert, you can access the world’s major economies such as North America, Europe and Asia Pacific, and also target selected emerging markets and industries.

For more information about investment services at LIS Investment Services Ltd., please contact us.

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