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Wealth Management Services

Wealth Management Approach

Financial markets and financial products are constantly changing and evolving, creating both winners and losers in the investment community. While the risk of losses cannot be eliminated, they can be minimized through the use of a “balanced portfolio” approach to investing. Higher risk investments, equity funds for example, are balanced by lower risk investments such as bond funds or certain types of low volatility hedge funds, to ensure that each client’s portfolio performs to the optimum and is appropriate for their risk appetite.

We work closely with a number of specialist wealth management partners who provide expert advice on tax planning, trust, estate planning and related legal issues to create those balanced portfolios. Similarly, we constantly monitor the performance of these providers to ensure that they continue delivering the performance we expect.

Wealth Management Process

Review & Analysis
  • Identifying and defining of objectives
  • Analysis of cashflows
  • Valuation of existing assets and investments
Wealth Creation
  • Risk profiling and definition of expectations
  • Preparation of wealth creation strategy
  • Management of taxation impact
Wealth Maintenance
  • Continual monitoring of financial affairs
  • Restructuring as required
  • Implementation of asset risk management structure
Wealth Distribution
  • Estate planning for transfer of wealth
  • Statement of will and use of trust
  • Succession Planning

LIS’s Role


Life goals and financial status Lifetime partnership, provide wealth management solutions

Clients deposit/withdraw contributions directly

Issuance and fulfillment of contracts

Provide products Assist clients to select suitable products and suppliers

Top Financial Groups

Wealth Management Planning

Cash Flow Management
Cash Flow Forecasting
Debt Restructuring
Financial Statement
Risk Management
Capital Need Analysis
Critical Illness Insurance
Disability Income Insurance
Life Insurance
Medical Insurance
Property and Casualty Analysis
Tax Planning
Investment Tax Planning
Tax Deferrals
Education Planning
Education Savings
Investment Planning
Asset Evaluation
Global Investment (Funds)
Portfolio Management
Property Investment
Risk/Reward Analysis
Retirement Planning
Individual Savings Plan
Mandatory Provident Fund
Retirement Fund Forecasting
Business Planning
Business Financing
Employee Benefits
Key Man Insurance
Succession Planning
Estate Planning
Estate Duty
Estate Liquidity Analysis
Power of Attorney
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